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TTB Formula Approval DC

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Foreign Producers Should Get Ready for Big CBMA Tax Benefits

Foreign Producers Should Get Ready for Big CBMA Tax Benefits

The Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) allows substantially reduced tax rates or credits for both foreign and United States alcohol...Read More
No Beer for Putin

No Beer for Putin

Unlike in the case of say Justice Kavanaugh, it not clear that Putin likes beer. But it's increasingly clear that...Read More
Join Marshall Fawley’s BA Collab Hour

Join Marshall Fawley’s BA Collab Hour

Join Marshall's talk on TTB label and formula issues, coming up soon. This event is hosted by the Brewers Association...Read More
FDA to Withdraw Temporary Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Guidance
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FDA to Withdraw Temporary Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Guidance

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many in the alcohol beverage industry recognized a significant problem facing our communities...Read More
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