Thank you for contacting us. We can handle most federal issues that commonly arise with alcohol beverages and food (such as labeling, formulas, trademark, permits, taxes).
These links apply mostly to TTB issues (we can send other information depending on your specific needs).* If the terms are generally acceptable, please complete the above-linked Retainer Agreement. In most instances we will not commence substantial work until it has been completed. Upon request we are happy to confer with you briefly, as a courtesy, for a preliminary discussion.
To the extent you need an estimate as to time/money/odds, please consider sending more information about your situation. We agree to keep it confidential (whether you ultimately hire our firm or not) and this would impose no obligation on you unless or until you agree in the form of a signed retainer letter.
If you want to talk this over, please select a time here.
Finally, for lots more information about beverage law, please see our blog here, and some relevant videos here. We normally assign work to a lawyer based on the subject matter, complexity, availability and your budget. If you have any preferences please set them out. My role is largely coordination and quality control; please let me know of any problems or concerns at any time (before or after project commencement).
We look forward to working with you and helping you get things done.
Best regards,
Robert C. Lehrman
* As to labeling, here is a checklist covering the most common, initial issues. TTB’s average processing times, for labels, are here. In some cases, we can expedite your label(s) as here. The linked chart shows the long-term trends. The single best thing you can do, to manage any TTB delays, is to start early. The next best is to make sure an experienced person handles the project. An expedite request should be the last resort, in extreme cases only, in part because the odds are low. A TTB power of attorney form (POA) is here. We strongly recommend that you complete the POA form as soon as practical (if you have a TTB permit) because it takes TTB several days for TTB to process the form. The POA will allow us to confer with TTB and prepare COLA applications on your behalf. It will also allow us to use TTB’s electronic systems (COLAs Online, Permits Online, Formulas Online).