It is likely that all beer, wine and spirits labels will change dramatically in the near future. TTB has been working on new rules since CSPI and other groups submitted a petition in 2003. The new rules would require a “Serving Facts” panel on every container. This panel would include a lot more information, such as the typical serving size, number of servings per container, calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat. Because this is a big, controversial change, TTB has received more than 18,000 public comments during the past few years. There are far too many comments for most people to review, and so we will highlight and summarize the most noteworthy comments here. The most recent proposal and comments are here. This is comment 10 in a series; to see others, click on the “serving facts” tag below.
The Brewers Association represents about 1,400 small brewers across the US. The Association’s 29-page comment said:
- Compliance will be expensive and lead to fewer products in the market.
- A 12 ounce serving size makes sense for normal beer, but modern brewing “allows for malt beverages to be fermented over 27% ABV” and for those over 20%, a reasonable serving size would be just 2 ounces.
- 100% of small breweries will be affected by the proposed rule and 38% said “they would cease bottling operations if a serving facts panel is required.”
- TTB should allow a linear display and greater tolerances.
- TTB should stick with alc./vol. labeling as opposed to the amount of pure alcohol or a graphical depiction.
Whats the point, oh well just don’t be changing the taste of my beer.