It’s not just the bikinis.
It’s also the heathens in the background, the witty writing, the just-right art. In very little time and space, this label tells quite a story. The back label for the 2008 Cycle Buff Beauty Australian Malbec intones:
Like a 32 inch waist in a fat man store, Misfit Wine Co. doesn’t fit in. … The Cycle Buff Beauty, a tale of escape. How two exquisite beauties escape the clutches of heathen hands that would nave otherwise squeezed all life from their precious bodies. This Malbec Shiraz is a tribute to those who held onto their precious rose and escaped the clutches of those who just don’t know.
I wasn’t sure what to think about this raw tale. The fenceviewer blog tries to size it up, saying:
Cycle Buff Beauty is, beyond doubt, the kookiest wine we have ever sampled. Also, one of the better ones. … Goes well with steak; ideally suited for brontosaurus. … It is almost as full-bodied and raucous as the bodacious babes on the label. … [It] has attitude [and] astonishing label art.
This story of narrowly escaped rape and murder probably would not be shocking on a TV show in this day and age, but it still makes for a very unusual wine label.
I hate the label — as someone who works for a non-profit that treats sexual assault victims, it’s disturbing and expoitative, and I’m sure it’s made the makers a lot of money, seeing as there are thousands of rapists out there looking for confirmation. According to the back of the label the women escape their aggressors, but where is that portrayed in the graphic? It’s sad that a victim of sexual assault can’t even shop in a liquor store anymore without these kinds of images confronting them. Irresponsible and selfish. Ugh. I posted it on Facebook and got dozens of negative comments from both men and women. The makers of this wine need to watch a film called “Pillow Girl”, which may make them think twice about portraying imminent sexual violence against women on their labels again.
Ugh I hope you go out of business SOON.