This post will start short but is likely to grow long over time. Very long. We will try to show the enormous range of foodstuffs from which wine is produced. With each post we will add to the list, and I predict it will grow way past 50. Today we add Pomegranate wine to the list.
- Avocado wine
- Banana wine
- Dandelion wine
- Grape wine
- Kiwi wine
- Mangosteen wine
- Marionberry wine
- Onion wine
- Pomegranate wine. This example is imported from Armenia by Dozortsev & Sons of Elizabeth, New Jersey.
- Pear wine
- Pepper wine
- Pineapple wine
- Rhubarb wine
- Tomato wine
- Watermelon wine
Don’t forget the Pomegranate Vodka ( more correctly described as a Pomegranate Eau de Vie)
Not to mention things like Cobra Whiskey and Scorpion Mezcal a little off topic but interesting stuff in terms of bizarre spirits products- not to mention a Czech absinthe with large bug in it (Devils walking stick – looks like a punked out praying mantis)