In recent weeks, TTB has implemented sweeping changes, with little attention from the media. Some of the changes are for the better, but many will make it substantially harder for beverage producers and importers to get things done. These changes will affect companies and products as profoundly as any other changes at this agency over the past few decades, no less than other big changes such as tax rates, the shift from ATF to TTB, the Part 13 revocation rules, the demise of caffeine alcohol beverages, or new Administrators. It is difficult to think of any law change or policy change with as much day-to-day impact on the regulated parties, and much of this was done with no opportunity for meaningful industry input.
- The big changes begin way back in 2003, with the launch of COLAs Online, and pick up speed in the past year. Much of the change brought by COLAs Online is for the better. The system works well and frequently makes things faster and easier.
- In late 2009, TTB slashed their availability for in-person visits. For many prior years or decades, it was relatively easy to meet with a regulator, in the labeling and formula division, any weekday from 10-noon or 1-3 (four hours a day). Beginning about...